What will be the fate of immigration in the Post corona virus time?

Both internal and external factors affect the Canada Immigration targets. The internal factors are related to demographics, policies, etc. The external factors are global circumstances.

We live in times of uncertainty where we don't know what holds for us in the near future. In a world after the Corona-virus; we are still uncertain of the changes that will come up and how drastically the things would have turned in the recent times.

In such a case, there are both internal and external factors at play during this time when we think of Canada's Immigrations' future after the corona-virus pandemic. 

Undeniably the Canada immigration will be construed around the Economy, policies, Processing Capacity, demographics of the country, etc. These are all internal matters that affect immigration. The external factors are those where the global scenario will be considered.

Let us look at these factors in detail to understand the implication of the internal and external factors.

Canada immigration – Internal Factors

In the post corona Virus recovery phase, Canada will undoubtedly want to increase its immigration. The Canada immigration minister, Mr. Marco Mendicino, had mentioned earlier than immigration will be of "enduring value" after the pandemic is over.  As per the speculated Immigration plan of 2023, there will be a lot of value placed on international students in the future Immigrations of Canada.

Canada has a very positive outlook when it comes to the future of immigration in its country. Most of the people in Canada believe that it will be through immigration that the economic recovery can be brought about.

The country's demographics are not in its favour, too, Canada has an ageing population and a low birth rate. Over 9 million baby boomers will be reaching the retirement age by 2030, and Canada's birth rate is about 1.6 babies per couple. It is expected to dip further as Parents might refrain from having children due to economic uncertainty after COVID 19.

By 2034, Immigrants will cause a 100 % growth rate in Canada's population and an increasing share of economic growth.  Immigrants are most helpful as they help create jobs and provide innovation in the existing process or method.


Canada Immigration- External factors

The external factors are also Global Factors. Canada is highly concerned with the interest of the foreign workers who come to Canada.   But, there are external factors that affect the immigration targets of the country. Like in the case of the Civil war in Syria caused lower economic immigrations in the country in 2015 – 2016 as Canada had to make room for Syrian refugees. 

This is as well Canada might hit a low immigration standard due to the pandemic, although immigration had not stopped, and the number has been decent since the pandemic has taken over the world.  On the contrary, in the latest World Education Services (WES) survey, it has been found that pandemic has cause greater interest in Canada Immigration as the country faced a less severe economic downturn as compared to other countries.

This fall might provide a Clear Picture on Immigration

Economic challenges will increase Canada's immigration demand in certain professions, and other segments will be negatively affected where people will lose their jobs.

The Canada Immigration fees increased in April when the Global currencies dropped.  The future of Canada immigration in 2021 is slightly blurred at the moment as pandemic remains a threat.

The Economy is seeing some recovery with 55% of the lost jobs being recovered to some extent in June. Attitude towards immigration is very positive, and there are a lot of people who wish to immigrate to Canada. 

The new Canada Immigration Levels Plan, 2021- 2023, are to be announced on 1st November 2020, and all eyes are the announcement. It is certain that all the factors will be taken into consideration before the announcement is made.

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